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ATTENTION: Posting on complaints

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ATTENTION: Posting on complaints  Empty ATTENTION: Posting on complaints

Post by Johny Sat Aug 06, 2016 3:58 pm

I want to remind you all that you are NOT allowed to post in a complaint when you are not DIRECTLY related to it. I don't care whether you post to support one of your own gang pal or if you post to give your personal input about the possible rulebreaker. No one is allowed to post when you aren't related to the complaint.

Also, it's not because you say "sorry for posting here'' that you're allowed to post in complaints. You are NOT allowed at ALL.

Let this be clear, anyone posting in a complaint that is not directed against him will be infracted and could be banned from the forums if he has multiple infractions. My team and I are sick of finding complaints with 25+ posts that are filled with bullshit and flame as it makes our job harder.

Please refrain from posting in complaints if you do not have anything relevant to contribute.

Please note posting un-related content(Pictures, videos or GIFS) and launching personal attacks against another player or admin may result in infractions being given out.
Exclusive Director
Exclusive Director

Posts : 8
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2016-08-04
Age : 22
Location : Philippines


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